About Forbiden Owin

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When you know me, you will either love / loathe me due to my intelligence, wisdom, weirdness and level of sights . Pocket of surprises & fun . High quality & quantity of living & humor . Great taste for fashion, food, drinks & living . Enjoys gaining new knowledge and skills . Someone who love & appreciate to her heart . Indifferent to strangers' opinions about me . Only care about whom I love & how thy look at me. Straightforward . Unkind with words but kind at heart . Witty . Cunning . Romantic . Secretive . Could be Irritating . Outgoing . Humorous . Bubbly . Artistic . Creative . Stubborn . Ambitious . Mischievous . Love myself . Dislike complexity . Truth-seeker . Could say that I am jacks of most trade, yet to be master of one . The rest of her is for u to find out =)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Hi, it is blogging time again. I know that my previous entry was kinda depressing but I am not going to be sorry about it. Yes, that does not mean that everyday is a rainy day. However, if your life is raining all the time, the blame lies on you but no others so change yourself first! I am straightforward because I could afford not to. I am who I described myself few years ago when I opened a blogspot account; still the same old me. “When you know me, you either end up loathing or loving me.” I live for myself and I will continue to till I reach my goal but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about nothing.

I care about people who cares, I show my concerns to those who deserves and I will only love those who appreciates. This is how I chose friends, love and life. Those who doesn’t see this side of me or to be more specific, those who are not standing at the same platform as I am, please do disturb me no more. I done too much wrong things in life and it is the best time to make it right now. Life / How I live my life is what I am concern with now because I figured out that no matter how well you doing in your studies/business, you will still be screwed up if your life is. Thus, I am going to run through my life briefly for this few months before I decide to start my Year 2 of my Law Degree.

Many tries to tell me that I have to finish my education soon because I am getting old, as the matter of fact I am only turning twenty-one. Again, it wont be too appreciative of me if I behave/thinks like ten year old (No joke, there are a lot of people out there) when I officially turns twenty-one. I am still ahead of my plans and if I am blessed to die young, why not? If you are concerned with my studies, I will finish my degree in 2012, probably 2013 the latest. I know what I am going, doing in my life so have your least worries for me. That is the problem when you are sick, the doctor give you two days of MC and you have nothing much to do after sleeping.

Recently, I caught two movies on screen in Singapore which I like to share. Similar and connected yet different from one another as the meaning of the stories said. First movie is about the man who changes the life of South Africans and America, Nelson Mandela. A man who weights the big and small issues, knowing yet unwillingly gave up kinship in order to achieve greater achievements. Second movie is about Michael Oher, a man without anything and gotten everything in the end. The two movies involves black men, God’s child and wealthy within.

I felt the second movie was written/acted for me in a way. I am fond of Sandra Bullock not because “Sandra” with a ‘L’ is link to her in a way. It is just her personality is too much alike with mine, I not hinting anything else. I am a person who will pick up a child on street because I am soft at heart of the matters. I am brutally ruthless when I need to, for example, leaving behide a friendship which noone except me bothers about or make the first move for ending a relationship which is not going to work out from time to time. At the same time and most importantly, the movie reminded me that I am a very bliss child with all the chances which given to me, I can probably be the second Michael Oher in some ways, just that I am not successful yet. I am here writing because I want to share some simple words, together with the song, Chances. Just pay attention to the lyrics, you may find an answer to yourself.

Let me tell you why am I so bliss today. I counted all the small tiny good deeds or things which happened to me and compile to become one. That is why my friend, Charles mentioned that I am easily contended. That is because I understand happiness exists everywhere but it is us, humans being who thinks happiness is hard to get. Some people out there who abused happiness will not be surprised that they cannot get their happiness. For instance, many immature girls will want a handsome guy to be their boyfriend AND THEN that is their happiness. Will they be happy being with a handsome guy but not smart, gentle, caring, soulmate and no compassion after that? I bet they would not because they do not understand the meaning of happiness. I appreciate everything happening to me, I do not grumble about the hardship I had that is why happiness exists everywhere to me. Thus, you might not be the third or forth Michael Oher but you are blessed. This is all I want to share today and the rest are inside this meaning songs.

I missing my friends and I am going to see them on Friday. Mrs Chong and Sarah, please be back before CYN! Rachel and Ezra are coming back in June. I am staying with Desmond from Thursday onwards for two weeks. Go to Sentosa probably next Saturday because I am down with illness. I have lots of things to do before Chinese New Year & St Valentine’s day arrives.

Bid here for now!

Love you lots,

Sandral Owin

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


What I am going to share are all done and nothing can be undone at this point of time. I am kinda relieved now, able to be frank to myself. I started to ponder my actions after an old secondary school friend chatted with me for random sake. I asked Grace, was I wrong doing that and this. I only ask for one thing from you; Understanding, Forgiveness and Be Free.

I have changed physically and mentally within the past few years. No longer that seventeen year old girl who always does things impulsively, I grown up and I growing up well. I planned, planning and make sure everything works well in my life because I accept the theory of Actions & Consequences. I chose to be different from the woman in my household, and so I worked extremely hard for it. I could have marry to any guy I met and form a family. Instead, I working my way up, living the way I want, doing the things I love and finally enjoying my life. Though life is tough for me, but I am truly happy. I prefer life this way, working and learning. Live like a normal person, not too rich nor poor.

ALL in love is fair
Yes, I make choices for myself. I chose to steal, sleep around, disturb / irritated people, be kind to people and etc. Most of my actions comes with an excuse / justification (whatever you want to call it), some I did it for fun and some for love. Those who I once cared for, maybe a little or lot, I think you gotten your fair share and you should be thankful for that. Those who chose to hate me, continue doing so if you really want me to exist in your life forever. Those who I forgo, I am truly and really sorry. Those who I owed, believe me that I will return it all back to you. Those who hurt me, thank you for that because you make me better. Most of the things which I done till now, I have no much of regrets to share.

I cant help to recall some of those nice times in the past. Truly, they are the past and you cannot hurt me. I have to admit that I had once given up hopes for People because they are weird, crazy and stupid at times. Yet again, I took great pain and effort to pick myself up and move on and this is the part where the difficulties lie. I done what I should did, I meet people who stands and thinks at the same platform where I am. We come from all woks of life and it is fated to meet you so I am truly thankful.

Thank you for giving me such a great life and I am really bliss and love by all the people who loves me now. I will complete my Law Degree as I have two more good years to go and no one can stop me. If you are jealous, dont be because it is nothing fantastic and God knows maybe you will be doing better than me.

Desmond, thank you for being there and I sorted all out already!
Grace, thank you for hearing me out and I will really start thinking for myself=)
Rachel, thank you for chatting with me and I consider to bake or make a food recipe for you!

Thank you for viewing!

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